HFS GOLD perks
  • (1) Operater Status in the #NOX irc Channel
  • (2) 300kb for hosting images or stories for useage on forums or anywhere off server
  • (3) HFS GOLD forum acsess by GOLD supporters of HFS [not up yet]

.::0 members::.

You pay $5.00 per a calender month for HFS GOLD perks explained below. The $5.00 you spend is used to pay for new perks and or to pay for HFS overhead. HFS sees your $5.00 payment as a Donation and will NOT refund the money.

HFS GOLD perks are perks given to members who donate $5 a month to HFS.

Failer to send in your monthly donation will terminate all your Gold Perks, files saved will be delated and your op stats removed and you will be locked out of the gold forum.

Perks Explained!
HFS GOLD perks
(1) Operater Status in the #NOX irc Channel
(2) 300kb for hosting for useage on forums or anywhere off server tipes of files .jpg .gif .pnp .html .htm .xml
(3) HFS GOLD forum acsess by GOLD supporters of HFS [not up yet]

Sign up!
mIRC Nick (your nick MUST be registered on the irc.roleplayworlds.com irc server.

Site Copyright © HFS 2003