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Page by HFS: 2002 Designed by: FW Viper

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New Story!
Dean-Contest of the Gods
Posted by: Viper

No there is no Story update yet. Give Geraldle time, but like I told you before even though he is not updating I am! You will be happy to know I am on the the hunt for that anoying popup that has been pleging the site! I think it belongs to one of the banner exchanges its just a matter of finding out which one and removing it. Also page lag is because of the size of the front page or so a teck told me. Which means redesign so if anyone interested would like to head to the forum and write about 1 parigrafe or more of what they would like to see on the front page and what they would like to see gone.

Other news today is and this is inportent. I DO NOT SPECK GERMAN! however I did sign the site up for a german domain. feel free to bookmark it. I would also like to translate Geraldle's stories to other langwages if you speck something other then Englesh and would like to volinter your time Email the webmaster and people I don't get paid to do this so if I do not respond asap it is because I am out making a living!

To all a Guten Tag!
Posted by: Viper

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