

Welcome to Toadwater. In Toadwater, you will explore vast lands of forests, forts, crops, and people. You will no longer be limited to where you want to go, or what you want to do.

The first thing you should do is learn how the game works. In Toadwater, your main objective is to protect your riches from the other players that reside in Toadwater. Toadwater has a variety of people. Some you will become great friends with. The others, you will become bitter enemies.

How to get Started

1: Register on the main web site. You will be sent a password by email, which you can change at any time by clicking the "Profile" button on the top right of the website.
2: To play Toadwater you need to download the “Toadwater Client”. There is a link to download it at the top of the Toadwater homepage. This is a windows program which does not require installation, just extract the executable from the zipped file to a suitable place on your hard drive. Just double click the program to run it, you will then be prompted to log in with the same username and password.

What you can See

When you first log in you will be able to see a 7x7 area around you. You are the dwarf in the middle of the screen. The squares around you are sand. Immediately beyond your field of vision (in the grey area) there is a fence which encloses your own personal cloud world. You are completely safe here. No other player can enter your area.

How to Play

When you begin to play Toadwater, the only tree available to you is called a “Balsam Fir”. Balsam Firs are the easiest tree to learn and level up with as a newbie.

You will find 10 "Balsam Fir" Seeds in your hoard. Your “Hoard” is your Inventory. Select the seeds and plant them in the 8 squares surrounding you.

Tip: To select something in your hoard, just click on it. The name of the item will turn green. If you click it again, you will deselect it. This means you have nothing selected and can use your bare hands.

Warning: You start out with 1 health. Each balsam seed you plant will cost 0.1 health. (You will have .2 health left after planting all 8 seeds)

Your chances with Balsam Fir Trees will be approx. 10% at first. Do not be afraid if all your trees die before they make it to 100%. If your trees die, buy more seeds from the shop and replace the dead Balsam Firs. Even if the trees die, you get forestry experience (XP) for planting the seeds. So your odds will always get better. Eventually one will fully grow. Make sure you do not die when replanting seeds (watch your health). While standing on sand, you will regain 0.1 health a minute.
Note: It takes about 15 minutes for a Balsam Tree to grow.
If one fully grows, you are lucky! Select your crude axe (in your hoard) and chop the tree down. Be careful! Each chop will cost 0.1 health, and it takes 10 chops! OUCH! When the tree is fully chopped, the wood will appear in your hoard.

By now, you will probably be wondering how you can regain health a bit quicker than by standing still. Well, if you stand on a fully grown tree, you can press 'e' to eat fruit from the tree. This (and each minute you stand on the tree) will heal you an amount dependant on the age of the tree. You gain 0.1 health for every 10 days old the tree is, so a tree which is a year old will heal you 3.65 health every time you eat.

Note: Each time you eat from a tree (or eat a radish etc) your poo bar gets more full up. Once your poo bar is full, you cannot eat again until you visit an outhouse. If your poo bar is full, the only way to heal is to wait, preferably on an old tree!
You will now want to use your new piece of Balsam Fir wood, to whittle something. You could whittle a "Tree Tap" to start collecting sap, a "Shovel" to dig a hole for an outhouse, a "Mallet" which is used for pounding in fencing, a "Post" to sell for extra gold pieces, or a "Plank" which can be used to make a road, or to construct fences, gates and outhouses.

Select the wood and click on your chosen whittling icon from the whittling toolbar. Your odds of success on any of the above mentioned items start at 44%, but with each success, your odds increase. The other items you can whittle are "Birdhouse", "Scutching Sword", "Idol", "Oar" and "Clogs". These items are much harder to whittle, so you should not attempt them until your whittling skill increases!

If you are lucky enough to whittle something on your first try, Great Job! You can use or sell the item you have created.

Continue planting seeds around you, chopping the trees, and whittling. You will find that your forestry and whittling skills improve quickly at first.

You will soon want to move around, to allow you to plant more trees, explore, build a base etc. To move, you need a “Staff”. You are given a staff when you begin, this is a level 100 staff. You will find movement is very painful: it costs 1 health point to move on sand, and more if you step onto a tree!. For this reason, you cannot move until you reach level 10, for your own protection! Your staff will wear out a little with each step you take, but do not worry, your staff will never wear out below 1 point.

Tip: Higher level staffs have added advantages. They are more durable and allow you to walk much faster. If you find movement slow, you can donate $5, using the PayPal Donate link at the bottom of the Toadwater homepage. When you donate, you will be given a brand new level 100 staff as a thank you gift. These special staffs wear out much slower than the starting staffs.
Now might be a good time to whittle a tap and attach it to a tree. Sap will gradually accumulate on the tap, and when you walk onto the tree you will collect the sap. This can be used to improve items such as shovels, mallets, and planks.
Tip: To attach a tap to a tree, select it in your hoard while you are standing next to the tree, and then click on the tree.
Once you feel ready to try growing a harder tree, you will need to whittle an "Idol" and sacrifice Balsam Fir seeds to it. For every 4 seeds you sacrifice, you will get one Ponderosa Pine seed. Take care though, because working with Ponderosa Pine trees costs more health than working with Balsam Firs!

This introduction only gives you the basics of how to begin the game. There are many more challenges awaiting you, especially when you leave your private cloud world and start interacting with other players! Once you are comfortable with everything here, please read the Manual page which will give you an overview of more of the features of Toadwater. Later you will mainly use the Glossary for reference.

ˇLa buena suerte y se divierte!
Good luck and have fun.

Updated 2.8.2004
(this taken from the guide! If you find this guide is not up to date then please check the Offical guide at

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