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Geraldle.com Thanks you for your help in keeping it's Domain name!!
Thank You!

Geraldle.com Rased enough money to keep the domain name! You can continue to use the http://www.geraldle.com/ domain name to get to the site for anouther year! But we expire again June 28 2004. So if anytime during the year you find yourself with a little extra money the links can be found everywhere on the webpage!

Dear Customer

At Thu Jun 19 08:59:55 2003 the following transfer/renewal request has been registered and processed:

GERALDLE.COM for 1 year.

You have authorized us to debit your credit card for a total of $19. Thanks for choosing us to renew your domain names. Should you have any question, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@domainmart.com. We appreciate your business.


Again thank you! thoughs that donated I have your email addresses and they will be turned over to Geraldle so he can properly thank you as well.

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