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It gets harder and harder as the years go on to find a "free" mailing list. I finally settled for coollist.com though it is not the easyest to join. It is about the only one that I found that I liked. the steps to join are as follows.

Mailing list Rules

  • The mailing list is for Viper and Geraldle to use to inform you of updates to the webpage. It is NOT for you to send reviews, comments, and or emails to other friends on the list. The list is moderated and any email not sent by myself or Geraldle will be deleaded and not sent, don't wast my time.
  • Only one email address per a person. Please do not clutter are sending list larg lists are harder to manage then small ones.

These rules can be changed at any point in time by eather Viper, Geraldle, or Coollist.

-Viper (webmaster)

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